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青島海熙防腐保溫設備有限公司主營生產3PE生產線,噴涂纏繞生產線,真空定徑設備,一步法設備,保溫管設備,管材真空箱,行星切割鋸,專業生產各種防腐保溫設備、塑料機械設備的專業廠家, 公司秉承“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展,以創新增效益,以文化樹形象”的理念,所有產品均實行三包跟蹤服務。同類商品比質量,同樣的質量比價格,我們將真誠的為每一位老客戶服務,為新客戶做專業的導航。
模具設備:采用直角多層螺旋分流式結構,此結構減小了擠出壓力,塑化均勻,高速擠出成型穩定,管材各項指標均達到我國的標準。結構為新型烯烴類組合式,管材壁厚均勻,內外平滑,無凹凸或疤痕,定型更穩定,尺更準確. Die: the right angle multi-layer spiral split structure is adopted, which reduces the extrusion pressure, plasticizes evenly, and the high-speed extrusion molding is stable. All indexes of the pipe meet the national standards. The structure is a new type of olefin combination type, with uniform w
發泡機設備:將發泡劑起發到鋼管與防腐層之間從而起到產品使用中保溫的作用。發泡機運行時將兩個料罐中的物料通過比例計量泵壓入發泡槍中,發泡槍中同時輸送高壓氣流將混合料打入防腐層與鋼管之間,變頻調節比例計量泵的速度可以滿足不同鋼管所需發泡層的密度。 Foaming machine: the foaming agent is sent between the steel pipe and the anti-corrosion layer to play the role of heat preservation in the use of the product. During the operation of the foaming machine, the materials in the two material tanks are pressed into the foaming gun
糾偏機設備:糾偏機的作用是控制發泡層相對于鋼管外表面厚度均勻一致,從而保證產品的整體使用性能。工作時通過數字量探頭感應發泡層厚度,發泡層一旦出現厚度偏差時及時作出糾正,可以實現上下、左右四方位糾偏,從而保證成品管發泡層厚度均勻一致。 Rectifying machine: the function of the rectifying machine is to control the thickness of the foaming layer relative to the outer surface of the steel pipe to be uniform, so as to ensure the overall use performance of the product. When working, the thickness of the foaming layer is